Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Definitly not PC

Nothing much happening this week as I am mostly just working.  I did want to make an observation though.  The UK is NOT PC.  It is refreshing watching the news.  People say what they think, if a politician doesn't like another politician they say so.

Watching the latest scandal around the phone hacking incident, I have seen their debates in the House of Commons.  When someone is speaking and makes a statement, if people in the audience disagree they make grumbling sounds.  It is so funny to watch, yet it also makes me think.

In the US we talk about our "Free Speech" yet often most of us are not free in our speech choosing instead to moderate it to not offend.  Our Congress acts like stuffy old men and women.  Yet we have this impression of the English as being the stuffy ones.  It must be the accent!

The other thing I have noticed.  Not only are people polite and apologize, but so does the police, companies, and government.  In a recent case a woman was killed by her x-boyfriend.  She had sought help from the police and courts but they moved to slow.  The police department actually apologized to her family and stated they were investigating.  In the US this wouldn't happen for fear of admitting responsibility and liability.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting observation that, and in the South of England it's way more PC than it is where I come from.

    I do agree with you, it's something I've mulled over many times listening to news and politicians in the US.
