Friday, June 24, 2011

Moving Day

Today as the day when I had to change hotels.  The Black Lion Inn was booked solid all weekend for weddings.  So I checked out and took a Taxi over to the Comfort Inn.  The only reason I took the taxi was because of the large number of bags I needed to transport, otherwise it was a 5-10 minute walk.

The Comfort Inn is closer to the office, but it means that I no longer can walk through the park on my way to work each day.  Well I guess I could, but it would not be the direct route.  Since it was still very early in the morning I was not able to check into my room, so I stored my bags with the front desk and walked to work.

At lunch I walked over to Sainsbury's for lunch.  In the parking lot I saw a great business that seems so obvious once you see it.  There are these little manned carts that offer a hand car wash while you are in the store for 5 pounds.  There was 3 or 4 cars being washed as I walked through the parking lot.  I am surprised no one has done something like this in the US.

Why didn't I think of that?

Once I was done for the day I walked up the hill to the my new home.  On the outside it is an old building and so I was wondering if the rooms would have the same charm as my old hotel.  Everyone I had spoken to about the place always said something like this when I mentioned where I was staying; "Oh, well I hear they remodeled it recently.  We used to call it the discomfort inn, but I'm sure it is better now".  Not exactly a vote of confidence.

Once I got checked in, I went down to my room.  Walking in and comparing it to the room I had in the Black Lion.  It is bigger, the bathroom is bigger and more modern, the beds are softer, there is a dedicated desk area with plenty of workspace, more storage, nicer TV, and a much larger wardrobe for storage.


The old room I felt like I was staying in Europe.  It had the wooden beams and odd angles and corners, and while smaller and not as well appointed, it wasn't a cookie cutter hotel room.  This one is and could be in any hotel, in any city in the States.  My flat will be the same, but somehow that seems different.

One thing of note, when I first got into the room and setup my computer (first thing, tested the Internet and logged on).  My computer wasn't charging, none of the lights would work.  I was about to head up to reception when I noticed a small box on the wall next to the light switches in the entrance way.  It had a small slot on the top that looked like the size of a room key.  Sure enough when I put my room key in it all the power started working in the room, taking my room key out immediately shut off power to the room.  Apparently these can save hotels as much as 40% off their power bills.

Now I'm going to plan out what to go see on my first trip into London and then go to bed.  Tomorrow should be a busy day!

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to figure out how to put those electricity/key card things in Brad and Jessica's rooms! :-)
